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  Games Firm / Year Version Kb/sek
  A Team 1, 2,the Zafiro'88 BrokImSoft 149
  A.T.A.C Gad.Shaw'87 BrokImSoft 87
  Aaargh ! Melbourne House,1001 n/a 411
  Abadia del Crimen,la Opera'88 Prohorov M. 254
  Academy Tau Ceti 2 Pete Cooke,CRL'86 Chernikov A. 245
  Ace Cascade'86 n/a 145
  Ace 2 Cascade'87 Brainwave 94
  Ace 2088 Cascade'88 n/a 137
  Ace of Aces Us Gold'86 Axciter 352
  Action Farce 2 Colin Davis BrokImSoft 70
  Action Fighter Sega,Firebird,Core'89 FFC,Softstar 154
  Action Force 1 Virgin,Gang of Five'87 Extreme 96
  Action Force 2 Gang of Five'88 Extreme 127
  Action Reflex Mirror'86 Holmov A. 254
  Ad Astra Gargoyle'84 n/a 179
  Addams Family,the Ocean'91 MKHG 386
  Adidas Championship Football Ocean'90 MKHG 244
  Adidas Championship Tiebreak Ocean,Starbyte,Probe Triebkraft 97
  Advanced Soccer Simulator Mastertronic'89 Prophecy 180
  Advanced Tactical Fighter Digital Integration'88 n/a 134
  Adventure A - the Planet of Death Artic'82 n/a 37
  Adventure B - Inca Curse Artic'82 n/a 48
  Adventure C - Ship of Doom Artic'82 I.Boneman 53
  Adventure E - the Golden Apple Artic'83 n/a 104
  Adventure Quest Level 9 Energy Minds 164
  Adventureland Brian Howarth Haggers 187
  Adventurer Proxima BrokImSoft 162
  African Trail Simulator Positive Ermakov A. 112
  After Burner Sega,Activision'88 Nikitin P. 465
  After Shock Interceptor Micro's R.O.M. 196
  After the War 1, 2 Dinamic'89 Eternity Industry 252
  Afteroids Zigurat BrokImSoft 93
  Agent - X 1 in the Brain Drain Caper Mastertronic'86 V.D.I. 283
  Agent - X 2 +3 parts Creations,Mastertronic'87 Victor VS 543
  Air Fire Publi-Compu Flash 42
  Air to Air Combat Lunapark'92 BrokImSoft 83
  Airborne Ranger Microprose,Canvas'88 Skorobogatov S. 1055
  Airwolf 1 Elite I'Max 193
  Airwolf 2 Elite'87 Universe 122
  Aknadach Proxima'90 Flash 109
  Aladdin's Cave Artic Computing'85 Flash 122
  Alchemist Imagine'83 Legacy 123
  Ali-Bebe Scorp'85 BrokImSoft 97
  Alien 8 Ultimate,ACG n/a 141
  Alien Evolution Gremlin'87 Hellchild 123
  Alien Highway Vortex'86 n/a 191
  Alien Storm Sega,Us Gold,Tierex'91 Code Busters 761
  Alien Syndrome Sega,Softek'87 Code Busters 333
  Alien Warp G.B.Max'85 Black Stalker 184
  Aliens 1 Electric Dreams Mike Blum 105
  Aliens 2 Electric Dreams,Mr.Micro'87 Nosikov P. 765
  All American Basketball Zeppelin'92 Flash 76
  All Terrain Vehicle Simulator Code Masters I.Boneman 187
  Altered Beast Sega,Activision'88 Mike Blum 556
  Alternative World Games n/a Max Iwamoto 1350
  Amaurote Binary,Mastertronic'87 Brainwave 180
  Amazing Adventures of Robin Hood,the Code Masters Prestige 209
  American 3D Pool Zeppelin'92 Flash 96
  American Turbo King Code Masters maddy 89
  Amo del Mundo Positive'90 BrokImSoft 122
  Anarchy Hewson'87 Mike Blum 120
  Android 2 Vortex'83 n/a 130
  Andy Capp n/a n/a 150
  Anfractuos Players'87 BrokImSoft 108
  Angel Nieto Pole 500 Opera FFC,Softstar 264
  Ano Gaia Tillson'92 FLP 154
  Antares n/a Max Iwamoto 96
  APB Tengen'89 MKHG 300
  Aquasquad Atlantis'88 BrokImSoft 100
  Arc of Yesod,the Thor'86 Anton 175
  Arc/Nodes of Yesod 48/128 Thor/Odin'86 BrokImSoft 546
  Arcade Flight Simulator Code Masters,Amazing'89 BrokImSoft 103
  Arcade Fruit Machine Zeppelin'89 Jupiter77 136
  Arcade Trivia part A,B,C,D Zeppelin'89 Mike Blum 500
  Arcadia Imagine'82 n/a 35
  Archon 1 n/a n/a 164
  Archon 2 Adept Maxx FFC 168
  Arena M.C.Lothlorien'85 Flash 121
  Arkanoid 1 Taito,Imagine'87 Momy,KSA 175
  Arkanoid 2 Revenge of Doh Imagine,Taito'88 Universe 112
  Arkarum Ultrasoft,Rutami n/a 128
  Arkos 1, 2, 3 Arcadia'87 BrokImSoft 308
  Armadura Sacrada de Antiriad,la Palace'86 Kulikov D. 193
  Armadura Sacrada de Antiriad,la Palace'86 n/a 185
  Armageddon SVC Flash 95
  Armageddon Man,the Martech'87 n/a 174
  Army Moves Dinamic'86 n/a 267
  Arnhem (dsk) CCS,R.T.Smith'85 Drozd V. 106
  Artura Sentient Victor VS 136
  Aspar G.P. Master Dinamic'88 n/a 108
  Assasin A.J.Remic'88 BrokImSoft 95
  Assault Course Players'90 n/a 178
  Asterix and the Magic Cauldron Beam Kulikov D. 161
  Astro Marine Corps 1, 2 Creepsoft,Dinamic'89 FFC,Softstar 344
  Astroball Digital Reality'92 Flash 112
  Astroclone Hewson Mike Blum 175
  Athena Imagine,Snk'87 I.Boneman 259
  Aticatac Ultima,A.C.G'83 n/a 150
  Atlantic Challenge Virgin,Millside'86 Omega 130
  Atom Ant Hi-Tec,Twilight,Pal'90 Omega 133
  Atomic Robokid demo UPL'91 Prestige 111
  Atomix 1 Scorpion'90 FFC,Softstar 83
  Atomix 2 Hexagonia Proxima,Scorpion'91 BrokImSoft 67
  Atrog 1,2,3 Zafiro'88 Mike Blum 233
  Attack of the Killer Tomatoes n/a n/a 105
  Auf Wiedersehen Monty Gremlin'87 Inferno 231
  Australian Games n/a Walsoft 535
  Australian Rules Football Clockwize,Again Again Perestroika 145
  Auto Cras Bienvenido n/a 160
  Avalon Steve Terner Sharapov A. 183
  Avenger Gremlin'86 Mike Blum 169

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