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  Games Firm / Year Version Kb/Sec
  Daley Thompson's Decathlon Day 1 Ocean n/a 194
  Daley Thompson's Decathlon Day 2 Ocean n/a 195
  Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge Ocean'88 Chernikov A. 484
  Daley Thompson's Super Test 1 Ocean n/a 148
  Daley Thompson's Super Test 2 Ocean n/a 193
  Dam Busters,the Us Gold,Platinum Kaplinski V. 186
  Damatta '85 n/a 121
  Dan Dare 1, 2, 3 Virgin'86-88-90 BrokImSoft 408
  Dandy n/a Fanatic S. 324
  Danger Jorge Perez'87 Drozd V. 52
  Danger Mouse in the Black Forest Chateau Thorn Emi'84 Abeyance 100
  Darius Edge,Taito'90 Skorobogatov S. 761
  Dark Castle Mark Crumby'87 BrokImSoft 72
  Dark Empire,the (dsk) Lothlorien n/a 214
  Dark Fusion Gremlin'88 Mafia 212
  Dark Sceptre Maelstrom Softstar 179
  Dark Side (dsk) Incentive'88 Mayhem 181
  Dark Star Design Design Digital Reality 132
  Darkman Twilight,Ocean'91 Magic,Seamans 474
  Day in the Life,a Stephen J.Redman'85 n/a 184
  Days of Thunder Mindscape,Tiertex'90 Kulikov D. 167
  Dea Tenebrarum n/a n/a 135
  Deactivators Tigress'86 Fanatic S. 148
  Dead or Alive Alternative'87 n/a 172
  Deadly Evil Players'90 BrokImSoft 112
  Death Before Dishonour Alternative'87 BrokImSoft 50
  Death Stalker Code Masters'88 Kulikov D. 211
  Death Star System 3'85 HDL 190
  Death Wake Quicksilva,Binary'85 Drozd V. 101
  Death Wish 3 Gremlin Golden Eagle 254
  Deathchase Micromega'83 Universe 53
  Deathchess 5000 Artic'82 n/a 163
  Deep Strike Durell'86 Eric 136
  Deep,the Us Gold'88 n/a 122
  Defcom 1001,Quicksilva'86 Issoft 134
  Defenders of the Crown Cat'89 Fatality 198
  Defenders of the Earth Enigma'90 Flash 269
  Deflektor Vortex'87 Dak 126
  Deja Vu Andrew Daly'89 Dupanov A. 137
  Deja Vu the Remix Andrew Daly'90 I.Boneman 187
  Delfox Dinamic,Zeus'88 Triumph 97
  Delta Thalamus,Twilight'90 Digital Reality 113
  Delta Wing Creative Sparks,Thorn Emi'84 n/a 177
  Demon Slayer Andrew J.Remic'91 Fanatic S. 132
  Demon's Revenge Firebird Ascendancy 138
  Demonslair Gad.Shaw'87 BrokImSoft 103
  Denizen Players'88 Sliders 234
  Desert Burner Creative Sparks,Thorn-Emi'85 n/a 164
  Desert Rats R.T.Smith,CCS'85 Wasilkow S. 162
  Desert Rats (disk) R.T.Smith,CCS'85 THD 202
  Desolator Us Gold'88 Flash 228
  Desperado 2 part 1&2 Topo,Gamart BrokImSoft 256
  Destiny Mission Williams Technology'90 Dupanov A. 134
  Deus Ex Machina Automata UK n/a 158
  Deviants Players'88 BrokImSoft 122
  Diamond Destiny'88 n/a 104
  Dice Sai'94 Flash 44
  Dick Tracy n/a Kulikov D. 298
  Die Alien Slime Mastertronic Kamikaze 82
  Dimension Omega 1 Positive'89 King of Time 183
  Dirt Track Racer Zeppelin'91 Drozd V. 118
  Disaster Park Artur Van Rooyen'84 n/a 161
  Dizzy 1: the Ultimate Cartoon Adventure Code Masters'87 Softstar 191
  Dizzy 2: Treasure Island Dizzy Code Masters Softstar 188
  Dizzy 3 and a Half Code Masters'90 LPV 132
  Dizzy 3: Fantasy World Dizzy Code Masters'89 Softstar 254
  Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy Code Masters'90 Softstar 228
  Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy Code Masters,Big Red'91 Softstar 193
  Dizzy 6: Dizzy Prince of the Yolkfolk Code Masters,Big Red'91 Softstar 168
  Dizzy 7: Crystal Kingdom Code Masters, Visual Impact'92 MKHG 425
  DJ Puff's Volcanic Erruption Code Masters'92 CyberPunks Unity 164
  DNA Warrior Artronic'89 BrokImSoft 130
  Doc the Destroyer Melbourne House Flash 174
  Doctor Who Dalek Attack Alternative'92 Digital Reality 253
  Doctum Antonio Ballesteros'91 Drozd V. 103
  Dogfight 2187 Starlight'87 n/a 192
  Dogsbody Bug-Byte'85 n/a 55
  Dominator System 3'89 Max Iwamoto 308
  Dominion demo Pandora'91 JPHG 125
  Dominoes n/a n/a 105
  Donkey Kong Nintendo,Ocean,Sentient'86 BrokImSoft 117
  Doomdark's Revenge (dsk) Beyond ZX Legion 183
  Double Dare Alternative,Bizarre'91 Flash 199
  Double Dragon 1 Mastertronic,Technos Japan I.Boneman 499
  Double Dragon 2 the Revenge Mastertronic,American Technos'89 Flash 431
  Double Dragon 3 the Rosetta Technos Japan,Sales Curve'91 Max Iwamoto 1261
  Double Take Denton,Ocean'86 n/a 177
  Double Tennis VM'90 Flash 142
  Double,the (tap) n/a Kamikaze 161
  Down to Earth Firebird,D.Byford'87 n/a 187
  Down Town Atlantis Code Busters 123
  Dr.Doom's Revenge Paragons,Bedrock'89 Digital Reality 415
  Dr.Jackle and Mr.Wide Stephen Curtis'86 n/a 186
  Draconus Zeppelin'88 Shock 160
  Dracula 3 - the Hunt (txt,dsk) CRL'86 Triumph 184
  Dragon Breed Activision,Irem'89 Skorobogatov S. 600
  Dragon Ninja Imagine'88 n/a 359
  Dragon Spirit Tengen,Namco,Domark'89 Golden Eagle 519
  Dragon's Lair 1 Projects Nikitin P. 393
  Dragon's Lair 2 Escape from Singe's Castle Projects'87 Triumph 264
  Dragonia (dsk) Astros'87 Drozd V. 275
  Dragons of Flame TSR,SSI'90 Stinger 348
  Dragontorc Steve Turner n/a 161
  Drakkar Diabolic'89 BrokImSoft 150
  Draughts Genius Hewson'87 Mike Blum 104
  Drazen Petrovic Basket Topo'89 n/a 256
  Dream Warrior Us Gold,Tarann'88 Flash 137
  Driller Incentive'87 Abramovich P. 218
  Droids G.B.Max'86 n/a 156
  Druid 1, 2 Firebird'86-88 BrokImSoft 253
  Duchy Atomica n/a 189
  Duck Out Fernando,Ignasio Code Busters,MKHG 300
  Duckula 1 Alternative,Enigma,Gosgrove'89 BrokImSoft 95
  Duckula 2 Alternative'92 FFC,Softstar 180
  Duct,the Gremlin John M. 163
  Duet Elite Kamikaze 161
  Dukes of Hazzard Elite Culture 166
  Dun Darach (dsk) Gargoyle'85 Sckacheck A. 202
  Dustin Dinamic'86 n/a 177
  Dustman Timescape'84 Manowar 188
  Dynamite Dan 1, 2 Mirror BrokImSoft 273
  Dynamite Dan 2 Mirror n/a 172
  Dynamite Dux Sega,Activision,Core'89 Flash 306
  Dynamix Virgin,Pal'89 BrokImSoft 66
  Dynasty Wars Us Gold'90 Drozd V. 237
  Dynatron Mission Mastertronic'87 Universe 151

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