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  Remix Games Firm / Year Version Sec
  Advanced Nether Earth Eternity Industry'98 author 512
  Barbarian Bitmunchers author 214
  Batty 3 Денис Рябцев'93 author 282
  Batty 4 + editor Денис Рябцев'93 author 273
  Blazing Thunder Omega'96 author 276
  Boulder Dash 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 First Star,etc Omega 450
  Boulder Dash N RVS'97 author 127
  Dizzy 8 Little Joke P.A.Soft,Timur author 118
  Elite 2 Кладов Владимир'92 Kulikov D 202
  Elite 2 + help Кладов Владимир'92 Vlad Kropachev 253
  Elite 3 THD'93 Kladnickiy S. 262
  Elite 3 + cheat + save editor Кладов Владимир'92 Fancy,AreaSoft 231
  Elite 3 + help Кладов Владимир'92 Fancy 234
  Existenz the Crazy Delfox Triumph'2000 author 136
  Heavy on the Magick! Real Soft'97 author 177
  Krakout 3 Белоозерский П.'93 author 174
  Krakout 4 Mr Soft,Emergency Brake'96 author 125
  Last Will Dizzy n/a IMP 130
  Lemmings 2 XL Design,Logros'96 author 731
  Lemmings 2 fixed XL Design,Logros'96 Energy Minds 803
  Lode Runner 3 Biotech'95 author 376
  New Dizzy V.Kutin,D.Paltusov'93 author 129
  Riptoff GUS,Korund author 195
  Sieddab Attack MMA'95 author 80
  Super Laser Squad Chip&Chap,ZS+Vek author trd
  Super Nudge 2000 A.S.Koln'93 author 99
  Wild Demiurge Ash'97 author 157
  Zombi X-Project'97 author 425
  Рейнджеры (Lode Runner) Fantadrom'94 author 234

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